Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sesame sweet rice cake

Sesame sweet rice cake - Kke Chal Pyun

This is another variation of flat sweet rice cake. Since this is made of sweet rice flour, the result is a very chewy textured cake. It is usually made rectangular shape and cut into serving size.
The cake shown above is cut into bite size and wrapped individually, making it look almost like a biscuit.

Unlike rice flour, when you cook with sweet rice flour, you only need to sift it through once.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blueberry Rice Cake

This is a Korean rice cake. Traditionally, it is called Bek Seul Gi but today a lot of young generations like to modernize its shape and ingradient to make it prettier like a cake. However, the basic method is the same and you can use other fillings instead of bluberry such as strawberry, pumpkin and chestnuts etc.

It is fun to make and once you know the process, it is very easy to make.

This is also a non fat and less sugary cake.
My children also like it for a snack. The ingredients will make the same size rice cake shown above. This size serves 8 people.